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Finally Hip is an up-and-coming clothing line that makes some pretty well, “Hip” clothes. One tee, The Pledge Your Allegiance Tee in Black has already been featured on this blog. Finally Hip is described as “… that very moment when you realize that you’re comfortable in your own skin. You are who you are and you love being you. Finally Hip embraces individuality and finding inspiration in the beauty that surrounds us all on a daily basis.” I support anybody with style who is up-and-coming, especially if they have created their own line, site, and store. It takes work and a good team behind you. I’m not in fashion persé, but I’m definitely into the arts and music scene. And guys like this are an inspiration, good job. The founder sent me some stickers for my Macbook pro that I really appreciate, by the way. To get their gear, you can either head to Finally Hip or get it “kazbah” on karmaloop! Oreoscheck87 at checkout!